Ella Mar 7, 2019 Cooking The Veganomicon.. I remember the exact moment I decided to change my lifestyle and go vegan. I was watching the documentary Earthlings, although after half an hour in I could barely see the screen through my tears. It almost gave me a panic attack, I got so depressed and wrecked with guilt that overnight I became strictly vegan. This was a few days before New Years 2019. Since then I have felt amazing, I should mention, that I struggle with multiple mental health disorders and polycystic ovary syndrome so feeling great is a win for me. I ordered a vegan cookbook called Veganomicon and was so inspired by reading it, I wanted to cook everything in it and that’s exactly what I’m doing! Also...
kaptennajwa Aug 28, 2018 in games GAME I LIKE TO PLAY Here's a game I can stuck my head thinking what's the next word I can create and is accepted. I like this type of game cause it gives your brain to actually work harder and learning new words each day! WORD CANDY COOKING