Char_says. Sep 28, 2019 in Politics Filipino Farmers My heart breaks for Filipino farmers. They work hard to feed us but they were neglected. It seems they were betrayed by their own land! Rice Tariffication Law is making the life of Filipino Farmers worst and complicated!
Elisha Ramos-Conna Jul 11, 2018 in Food Just like grandmas Kubo’s SOUTHPORT QLD It’s hard to come across a Filipino restaurant, especially on the coast but when there is one they deliver and Kubo’s is no exception. Authentic Filipino dishes, homemade taste with a modern presentation. If you haven’t had Filipino food before but have an appreciation for rich tastes & textures Kubo’s is a must try. With completely different tastes from entrèe, main & dessert your tastebuds will be begging you to try something else. I’ve always loved Kare Kare, I wouldn’t say I’m an expert, but I’ve eaten a lot of it, enough to say there’s is one of the best!