Tyler Ross-Clarke Nov 8, 2018 in Sports The Beaked Halberd My name Is Tyler, I'm from Australia, and I'm a State and National (World Championship) Historical Medieval Battle fighter (HMB, also known as Buhurt). HMB is a full-contact, full-force combat sport. We use blunted medieval weapons and wear specialised medieval armour, to fight each other. There are very few rules, put your opponent on the ground by any means available. Punch, kick, hit them in the face with a 3kg steel axe, cut them down with a 5ft sword, grapple them into submission. Put them on the ground. Any way you can. Now that you're acquainted with the sport, I'd like to provide you with a little monologue about a beautifully destructive weapon. The Beaked Halberd. This...