AC 🦄 Nov 14, 2018 in Music Panic! At the Disco meme react #1 Yo guys welcome to my first post (yeah touring in this community am I right?) So today we are going to start Panic! At The Disco memes (because why not right) So to the mechanics of the post, we are going to select 4 memes (yup. Only 4 because I'm somewhat lazy. But who knows. Maybe when you give me some coins we will have more than 4 in the future 😘) and we are going to react on them. Without further ado, let's get started. 1. Not gonna lie this is me as f--. If you are not familiar with the reference, it's about a part of one of Panic!'s popular song I WRITE SINS NOT TRAGEDIES. (You can look it up on youtube. You may like it) Back to the meme, everytime I hear that part,...