James Williams Nov 17, 2018 in Philosophy Philosophy Wisdom. You act like mortals in all that you fear, and immortals in all that you desire. -Seneca. It’s ok to dream about those big goals people, but don’t forget to get out there and start crushing them!
Morticia Ziegfeld Oct 29, 2018 in Culture SEX: Why does it sell? Sex has been an integeral part of forwarding the continuation of species throughout time, but how has stimulating the idea of mating become a selling point? Within the animal kingdom, males are predominantly the more decorated, as opposed to females. However, when it comes to humans, although men and women are sexualised, women tend to be heavily sexualised and marketed towards. This is something that has always sparked my interest. Is sex’s marketing use simply a construct we as humans have placed upon society, or are we naturally seeking to see things that are more sexual as more engaging?
King Carroll Jul 21, 2018 in Writing Poem: Dead Life A life of determinism Is a life without choice Which is a life of illusionism That coerces your voice Free will is taken From beginning to end Which leaves us forsaken From our natural dividends So is life in mutiny? Within our many coming upshots If fate renders our destiny To create us as robots If life is about an uncontrived event Then may us marry a male wife As life is nothing but a forced environment Life is nothing but a dead life - Max