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in Nature
The Man and The Snake

The Man and The Snake

I took this image in Sydney, Australia. What I love about the statue is it strongly represents, in my mind at least, the constant fight between man and nature. The man strangles the snake, symbolizing the violence that us humans have on nature and animals. Deforestation, urbanization, pollution and animal cruelty are all examples of this violence. Meanwhile, the snake fights back...wrapping his body around the mans legs like a twisting tornado. Hurricanes, tsunamis and wildfires are examples of how nature fights back. World War 3 is real and it’s happening right now. Us against the World. And it is a war in which nobody wins. So, when will we let go of the snake?

in Politics

I wish we would stop fighting 

This situation in Syria is honestly so depressing. When has war ever solved anything? How will dropping bombs on Syria, a country already ravaged by war, help? It just makes zero sense. Each and every single person I've spoken to doesn't want this. So who does? Trump and, oh, Theresa May- his puppet. And I'm pretty sure that's it. They're the only ones who will gain from this senseless distruction and pillaging.  I was going to post a link to an article about the current situation and then I stumbled upon some before and after pictures online.  Syria was once a vibrant, cultural hub with World UNESCO Heritage sites that have now been reduced to rubble.  It is truly vile what we've...