
Get the app to say thanks

Get the Hinterland app to thank [name], and help them get paid

present Tip - enter the invite code "[code]" on signup and both of you and [name] will get some free coins

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in Advice

Choose the Battle

Please, choose the battle you are fighting for. Understand that there are “battles” which are not for you! Not all battle is your fight. And not all fight is going to be worthy for you. If it is not worthy, surrendering and giving up are always the better options. Save your time and energy for a greater and more purposeful fight you would have.  I know you are a fighter. I know you can always win a battle because of your strength and braveness.  But... I don’t want to see you tired and exhausted over a fight that is not even for you and disadvantageous and not beneficial to you as a person. Fight for what is right. Fight for your integrity. Fight for yourself. Fight for...

in Writing


     WHEN you're overjoyed, you look for something or someone to vent it on. You are surprised and therefore cannot hold it in. You wanted to scream. You wanted to toss glasses everywhere. You wanted to punch and kick. Anything that can help you ease that joy in your heart. It's fun to think about it. About the happy moments, surprises and blessings you were granted. It's beyond happiness that you can always hope for something real and true. Something innocent but sweet.          IT was just one of the wonderful normal days where you least expect anything but when it comes, you smile and feel the contentment fill your heart. It was just one of those days when you seem to do the...