
Get the app to say thanks

Get the Hinterland app to thank [name], and help them get paid

present Tip - enter the invite code "[code]" on signup and both of you and [name] will get some free coins

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Together —

Gone through a heart break before? Lost a friend? Family? Had a fight with someone? Always make amends, always apologise. Or this poem may apply to you. Together. Together we must love and respect one and another... We were perfect you and I. For whilst our heads were in the sky. By friends we were surrounded. Every day, they were keeping us grounded. We began to dream, Of our future scene. Living life together. Singing and dancing our way through the days. All of our time... together. But the light in your eyes faded. While your love for me had degraded. You made your decision, unsure, but thought with "precision" My light and happiness now raided. ...