M. J. Parker Aug 7, 2018 in Hinterland [DISCUSSION]: Opinion, Passion I want to actively communicate with everyone on this platform, especially seeing right now we are such a small community. Let's grow together. So tell me about yourself, this is an open space. Though... please be mindful of others, lets create understanding, disagreeing is okay, but lets be productive. Let's learn from each other. A few questions from me: 1. What brought you to Hinterland? 2. What is your passion? 3. What do you plan to post on Hinterland? 4. Where were you born? Raised? 5. Tell me your favourite quote, or inspirational figure. I'll try my best to interact with everyone here and get to know a bit about you. Bring on the positivity 😊 ~ M. J. Parker
M. J. Parker Aug 6, 2018 Together — Gone through a heart break before? Lost a friend? Family? Had a fight with someone? Always make amends, always apologise. Or this poem may apply to you. Together. Together we must love and respect one and another... We were perfect you and I. For whilst our heads were in the sky. By friends we were surrounded. Every day, they were keeping us grounded. We began to dream, Of our future scene. Living life together. Singing and dancing our way through the days. All of our time... together. But the light in your eyes faded. While your love for me had degraded. You made your decision, unsure, but thought with "precision" My light and happiness now raided. ...