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A Fresh Grad's Guide to Sanity

Yesterday was everything you could imagine- tears, memories, laughter and the exhilirating walk to get that diploma you worked n years for but then you woke up today with dread, anxiety and this heavy question- what the hell am I supposed to do today?

Breathe. Close your eyes. Go back to sleep.

Just kidding! Okay breathe- breathe long and hard and get that pen and pad and write all the things you want to do in your life. 

Tip: write it like "things i want to do before i turn *insert realistic age here*" 

Now in writing these ambitious checklist, keep this is mind:

1. Be kind to yourself

- Don't expect your future self to be perfect and industrious and super rich. Give him/her time to sort things out, fail, recover and have fun a little. It is unforgiving to aim a 100k salary in 2 years or a house and lot in the next 3 years. Yes, you can get those things if you really really try hard (and lucky) but in most cases, you don't. So factor in procrastination and failure to the time calculations.

2. Don't get peer-pressured

You see those instagram and facebook posts of people's travel goals or their day at work or even their kids but don't fret, go back to #1. Getting peer pressured could really affect your decisions and can lead to bad ones. Always take your time in checking your options. Making wise decisions can go a loooong way.

3. Have a good support system

Whether its family, friends or significant others, nothing beats support encouragement from real people around you (unlike those likes and reacts in facebook). These people boost your confidence which fuels your passion and drive to do anything your heart wants. Happiness gives you a tendency to stick with what you're doing through its ups and down. 

4. Accept change

Things change and people somehow change, what you like back then may not be as desirable  now therefore you should be open-minded for possibilities and accept change. Update your goals from time to time (that's why it was written on a paper and not tattooed on your skin- it is meant to be changed). Be able to close some doors so that you could open another- again going back to #1 and be kind to yourself even if you fail at first. 

About the author/article: I recently graduated and currently reviewing for the board exams. This article is based on the struggles and realization i had right after my graduation day.