There are 2 Genders
In this world people want to gain attention in any way possible. Whether it’s becoming famous by acting, modeling or in music. Or by trying to be something they are not, such as a male saying they are a female or visa versa.
There are only 2 genders: males and females. That’s how it has been from the beginning of time. This has not changed. In a world where we have so much technology and knowledge at the touch of our fingers, people decide they are going have debates and arguments about sub genders or genders that don’t even exist. It puzzles me because when I was growing up there was none of this nonsense about alternate genders. I am a male and I like females therefore I am straight. The same genders that like each other are gay and then there are genders that like both, bisexuals. Be as gay or bisexual as you want no one really cares. I certainly don’t. I know a lot of gay or bisexual people. But gender fluid? And sub genders? This is all a fantasy for attention.
I am not targeting or trying to bring people down with what I am saying. I am trying to prove a point at how this world is just giving into every little bit of anything today to make people feel better when everything is right in front of us and always has been.
I personally think this is wrong, heaps of people refer as non-bianary