Teasi Sep 17, 2019 in Music Jet~lag can barely stand Eyes constantly shut Drinking and traveling is a must 2 choice decision, but bottom line is the best.
Teasi May 28, 2019 in Advice When having a hangover We all know when you receive that feeling of hangover after long night partying. So I got some tips for you; First you gonna wake up with a hangover. You’re so uncomfortable to move around or get some water or food. But a shower would be the first thing you should focus on. Than you got yourself some energy to go grap some food. Simple right. But if you’re strong person, you can get one beer and that’ll be it.
Teasi May 25, 2019 in Music Music that we know of In today’s world, can destroy alot of negative and turn in to a global community and share one love. It’s amazing how strangers can connect through music. What a wow.
Teasi May 24, 2019 in Nature Climate change Every government is talking about it, but how can we face it when we just talk about it and we don’t do anything about it. And if you say is hard to do so, than human value label more than Y generation. I’ll leave you to find out that means.
Teasi May 24, 2019 in Fashion I’m not sure if I’m earning Money or not, cause I have no idea how these coins i have is worth.!? I’m so blank, but some information that people post here are so relevant and so relatable.
Teasi May 24, 2019 in Fashion Watching people who teach about fashion Is just like watching the Jones if you know what i mean!