Word for Word
Why is outside appearance a big deal to almost everyone now?Why is skin shaming doesn't seem like a problem to most of people but rather the skin itself now becomes the problem? Why is ugly became the preference for pimples, acne, blackheads, blemishes, and dark spots? Why we even need to be flawless to be considered as beautiful?
I ask everyone to of you, to what extent should you call a person beautiful? to what extent should you call a person ugly? to what extent should you shame everyone for their own imperfections? BUT, do we even need those?
Why don't we use the word 'ugly' if something unpleasant come that can cause everyone harm rather than seeing someone's imperfections? Why don't we use the word 'shame' for those who shame people rather than the one being shamed? Why don't we use the word 'beautiful' to tell someone's imperfection is normal and that makes them human rather than using it to those who have money, body, or flawless face ONLY?
Are those who have skin imperfections are exempted to called 'beautiful' and those flawless are exempted to be called 'ugly'? How do we differentiate the words ugly and beautiful anyway? Ugly is not for outside appearance so does beauty.
Outside appearance do matter most of the times because it's what we, human, see first followed by personality if known. But people, if you respectively ask me, ugly is not something we should be using to describe someone's appearance if in our eyes, we don't find it beautiful. Something is always lying inside where eyes can't see but hearts can feel.
Everyone has confidence but the people who surrounds you have an effect on how you conceptualize and see yourself.
Flawless or not, we're beautiful. We just have to believe it and you'll see it.