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Art: Practice and Good Mentality

I've been drawing for quite a while now, i mean drawing seriously, the last 7 years at least.

Since a kid i was always drawing pictures from magazines, but without them

I just never knew what i was doing.

Drawing from 2012
Drawing from 2012

Art runs in my family, both my parents are artists(only one does it professionally) but I grew up around it.

 Between 2012-2015 was the time i realized I wanted more knowledge on drawing , no more dodgy doodles that waste my new notebooks haha

It was kind of around that time i came across a How To Draw Manga book for 80 bucks

Oh how this book was the best 80 bucks i've spent to be honest.

Drawing 2015
Drawing 2015

I was still coming to grips with the whole anatomy thing, sometimes even giving up, but there was a goal that needed to be achieved, i wanted to draw like what i saw on TV, and i would stop at nothing till i get there. A day didnt really didnt go by without a paper and pen in my hand. Combining some techniques , making an original style, i was on my way to where i am right now.

Street Fighter- Ryu 2019
Street Fighter- Ryu 2019

Kakashi 2019
Kakashi 2019

Thank God he gave me this patience to learn this passion, cause i never thought i'd get to this point 7 years ago, but here I am (and still improving)

No matter your craft, do not give up till you see results!
