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Meaning of an Art

“Identity Crisis”
“Identity Crisis”


As some of you might known this style of drawing, or you just happened to encounter with this while browsing. Whatever the reason is, this drawing or I should say project, have some dark meaning. For those who don’t know what I’m talking about,

So, this art is made by an artist called Mimi N. She made this project called “SUN Project”. In the project, she using art to express many things that themed as dark. For example, that picture. It’s called “Identity Crisis”. There’s so many meaning on each element of that drawing. We’re going to explore that in a second. 

Maybe you are wondering who’s Mimi N? Mimi N is an artist from Indonesia. Most people think that she’s from Japan. No, she is from Indonesia. She has another style of drawing other than the SUN Project. For now from her Instagram, commission is closed. I knew her from Instagram but I don’t know other of her social media. Her Instagram: @futarinokizuna.

Now to her drawing. On the picture, there’s so much fashion related things around the center girl. The girl also holding one mask. And seems hesitating to wear that one. She also looked confused to choose the one she actually would use for the day. All the fashion things around the girl, symbolizing fake self. The girl already too much pretending as different persons and maybe to different people too. And yet she must still pretend every time whenever she is facing the outside world.

There’s still a lot more of her drawings the have deep meaning like this one. So, that’s all see you guys soon!
