Forrest Jan 8, 2019 in Sexuality Knowing your sexuality Okay so I know most people are certain about their sexuality but there are some people whom are confused Just to help clarify things, if you love someone your sexuality shouldn't matter But if you sexually love the opposite gender then you're straight But if you sexually love both male and female then you are bisexual Like the same gender then your gay/lesbian If you are transgender/transsexual/non binary/gender-fluid and other terms for gender identity the term still applies to you regardless If you love all people regardless of their gender, and you like them for their personality then you are Pansexual or the other word for it which I keep forgetting but I'm sure you know what I...
Forrest Jan 7, 2019 in LGBT [Gender is a spectrum] This seems to be a complicated subject for many across a lot of social media platforms, I think that gender is and can be a spectrum but it seems people find it easier to understand if we just think of it the easiest way possible 'Born with what you were given' I get that, but it shouldn't be normal to question your own gender or have any sort of discomfort or even a disconnection with your biological gender. Which could further prove the point that maybe gender is actually a spectrum, because in the end it depends on how you see yourself?
Forrest Jan 7, 2019 in LGBTQ+ What is gender I believe that gender is a personal identity and how you see yourself, that it is a spectrum like that there is more to it than just what you were born with. Biological or not, facts or not it shouldn't be a normal thing to feel a disconnection with who you were born as Thoughts on this guys?