Representation in Government
Government should be a microcosm of the society it governs. It makes no sense to have the rights and responsibilities of a multicultural and diverse society decided by a group of white men and women. Should not the rights of women be decided by women? Should not a transgender politician be able to use a political stance to educate and to change? Should not indigenous peoples of a country have a platform from which to be able to dictate the nature of their reparations?
The concept of the “career politician” is ludicrous and needs to be done away with. A government should be run by the working man and woman; by members of society rather than detached beneficiaries of lifelong privilege.
On that note, there is something to be said about education in the political scene. Currently, cycles of poverty, classism, and institutionalised sexism and racism dictate who receives a proper education. In a perfect society, there would be a large and diverse crop of engineers, doctors, scientists and philosophers from which to assemble a form of government resembling a platonic ideal - run by thinkers, rather than by the rich.
This is far from an unattainable goal if diversity is allowed to be represented adequately in government. A large spectrum of people fighting for in the interests of people like them, rather than a hundred white men fighting for their own self interests, or worse: the interests of capitalists; would influence society to change in meaningful ways.
Is this the only path to a truly equal society as described in the first paragraphs? No, nor is it the most efficient path, not by far. However, it’s a step in the right direction. A major overhaul of the entire system is needed to even begin to assure a society that doesn’t just favour the needs of the powerful over the needs of the whole.