Waiting? Is there a right time to do nothing?
Where do we apply this? Is it Okay in work, relationships and goals?
There is a common saying, "True love waits." I actually agree with this and this is for both men and women. Men do everything to make women say yes and women waits until they know men really well. Let us never forget to still keep mysteries, to make excitements keep on coming back.
In work, we have to be a follower before we can become a great leader. This takes time and within those times, a lot of work and learning is needed.
In goals, everything that is worth it will never be easy. You have to learn a lot, make experiences and manage your cash correctly.
Waiting and doing nothing will definitely lead you to nothing. There is a right time to do nothing, like vacations. These are called timeouts. We all need these as long as we make use of our time really well and of course, consider the budget you have. Be creative and plan things accordingly.
You can check out mentors who offers free plan book(they have their own way in calling it) and it will definitely help you set priorities, manage your tasks well and make sure things are done in time.
All I can say is, the "waiting" that is good is when you don't waste your time in the present while creating accomplishments to achieve what you really want. Be patient, do something while waiting. Even if things don't go your way, always expect that it will lead you to great things.
Never let anyone distract you, focus and don't depend or wait for anything or anyone. Things will come along unexpectedly. The right people who have right intentions will do everything to be part of your journey.
#selfworth #selfrespect #life #relationships