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"Not your girl next door." 

Many times we hear stories or blog articles about the "good girl" throwing pity parties for herself because she'll never get the guy. The type of girl who is the "late bloomer" who hasnt had her first kiss until she was already finishing college, the type of girl who'd much prefer sweats over a bandage dress, snuggling with her cat while watching netflix over a night out with friends, drinking and partying *rolls eyes. Many times we also hear conversations of guys talking to their bros about how undateable whatsherface is because she loves partying/drinking, or she isnt "wifey" and just a "one night stand" because her instagram photos have many likes or comments and the amount of guys oogling over her photos. 

SHUT THE F*CK UP!!! I never understood the CONSTANT shaming between the introvert girl and the extrovert girl. I never understood females belittling other females because they have completely different lifestyles. For as long as I can remember, i've always been pretty social with many different groups of people. I go out, drink to get drunk (when i feel like it) but there are also days where I go incognito, blast up the a/c, put on my fleece socks, wrap myself in my burrito and go into hiding. It annoyed me the most when I finally got into a relationship, people in this city would make it into a giant fiasco, "ria in love?no way, you love boys, you love being single, you LOVE to party, you love to drink." Ummmm did i ever say i didnt? I love ONE boy, i had my fun and I wouldnt be in a relationship with anyone who didn't let me be myself, and make me change who I was because I got into a relationship with them, to begin with.

Remember, a relationship is an addition to your life, it isnt supposed to complete your whole entire life. I party like hell with or without my boyfriend and I'm still capable of being loyal. Men who deem the social butterfly types to be "not wifey" or uncapable to love or to be in love are the kinds of dudes who have insecurity issues. Im not saying to date every girl you meet at the club, but I'm using that old line, "dont judge the book by its cover." And really get to know someone. I'm also not saying that introverted females are less "fun" either, because as long as you're not harming anyone, you are free to do as you please. The point is, whats so hard about people minding their own business and creating these imaginary "DATEABLE" and "UNDATEABLE" labels? Live your best life.


