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Your "you gotta be...," leads people to telling themselves "I gotta be..." Living in the contemporary doesn't mean you need to comply with what this age is asking. Be you and be free. The society will never be defined by the words we want to hear. It is, and will always be filled with judgements and funny lies. But let me tell you this, most would say that the society will mold you and your personality, but sometimes it's just a battle of you and your insecurities. What the society dictates as beautiful will weigh nothing if you have found yourself, and there will be no other person in the room to help you seek who you truly are. We will always have our reservations, that's why you're the only person who can help you seek the love you've always been ready to give but you yourself have lost. 

People tend to forget self love because they listen more to the comments of other individuals rather than what their heart truly desires. For those who feel insecure about how they look, about their color, size, built, intelligence and whatever you can think, I just have three words for you. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Beauty is not defined by physical means alone. Beauty is defined by your character and how you carry yourself. The inside will always reflect. No, you don't need to be perfect, everyone has scars, even your idols do. It's just how you carry these scars with you regardless of what other people may think. You do not need the approval of the society to be considered beautiful, all you need is to see that everyone has flaws, everyone has insecurities, everyone is human. You are human, and you need to hear how beautiful you are, not just because you are worth it but because it is true. 
