Hey everyone - I’ve been a bit inactive lately because I’m currently in year 11 and have a lot of homework and study! Just giving you an update to let you know I’m not dead even though sometimes it feels like stuDYING. Here’s a few tips on how to study effectively and ace your exam :)
1. Do practise questions - this is the most effective way of studying because you can simulate the test and see what you WOULD HAVE got wrong.
2. Don’t review stuff you already know - if you know it, you know it! There’s no point studying stuff you already know.
3. Get someone to test you/teach them - then you can’t cheat by looking at your notes. You also develop a better understanding if you can put the content into your own words and explain it to someone.
4. Review past exams/tests - note what you did wrong and find a way to improve on it. Focus your study on that area.
5. Don’t overdo it - don’t study until midnight. I always find personally any study after 8:30pm is ineffective. Let your brain have a rest!
Good luck to everyone else with your studies! It will all be worthwhile!!