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Ravana - a short story

This is a legend from Hindu. There was a prince called Rama and her wife called Shinta. They lived happily and are deeply in love with each other. And then there is this terrible giant called Ravana. He’s ugly, evil, but she loves Shinta. So he ordered Bilung and Togog to kidnap Shinta.

Bilung and Togog were Ravana’s sidekick. When they succeeded in capturing Shinta, Ravana kept her in his castle for a year before Rama’s friend Hanoman came to rescue her.

But then when Shinta returns to Rama, Rama asks Shinta to bathe in the River of Ganga to cleanse her impurities. Offended, Shinta refuses to do so. She then performed the Pati Obong ritual to prove her purity.

The Pati Obong ritual is a ritual to call the fire spirits and burn the caster if the caster is not pure. Surely Shinta who kept her sancticity danced, she was not burned by the fire.

Ravana came angrily seeing Shinta doing the Pati Obong ritual and fought Rama. Ultimately Rama won and Ravana died. Shinta who loved every living creature wept for Ravana’s death. Ravana is not that evil, but his ugly appearance made him despised by most.

Thus the legend ends with Shinta going back to Rama’s embrace after partig with Ravana’s soul.
