Theresa Jul 3, 2018 in Gaming Boredbutton. Bored button has multiple games stored in one app, I've just started playing it today. You can discover a large amount if games in it, I've played two games on it already, and already hooked. So if you're tired of the present game, just press the red button on the bottom right and it'll send you to the next game. There are a few pictures and quick videos of the games I've played just down below. Please he advised that I do swear a lot on some of these, so please excuse my behaviour😂😂😂
Theresa Jul 2, 2018 in Mobile Games and Apps Mobiles Game Reviews. Hey guys, I've been playing lot of mobile games lately and some games the I play are hidden gems. Games that still need to be uncovered by players around the world. I have 3 that I have just installed and hopefully will be fun and challenging for me.