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Monthly Horoscope Sept 2018

Aries : In September, if you listen more than you speak, give more than you get, and feel more than you analyze, you will do well. You may have become very self-protective in recent weeks, Aries. That may be because someone hurt you or let you down; or something fell through that you expected to work out. It's only natural that you would be more on guard. But you have to drop your guard and experience life rather than strategize and control what lies ahead of you this month. It begins with going easier on yourself. You can expect hard work this month, but it's nothing you can't handle. You have a strong work ethic and you are blessed with more stamina than most people. When there is a job to do, you get it done. You may even be given the chance to take on something extra this month that will give you the chance to show off some of your most impressive skills, and this could lead to an opportunity that you would be very appreciative of - so do your best as always. A relationship matter may come front and center around mid-month, and it could cause some internal strife. But if you don't lose your temper or your perspective, you will see it through to a happy outcome. Later in the month, you may have the urge to start planning your year ahead when a new idea takes hold and you become very enthusiastic about its prospects. This could be a really good thing for you, so allow yourself to feel hopeful.

 Taurus : When you create a garden, you know you will have to get your hands dirty. You know you will have to toil in the sun, perhaps on your knees, pulling weeds, planting seeds, tilling the earth, etc. It can get tiresome, even though it's what you want to be doing. Raising a garden is a relatively short process. You know that you can expect to see sprouts in a few weeks and soon after that flowers or vegetables - the fruit of your labors. It's not quite instant gratification, but it's fairly quick. Something you are working on now, Taurus, is more long-term. You have been planning and working toward something important for some time, and perhaps it is taking much longer than you anticipated. Although you have not yet seen a harvest, this month you may begin to see some "sprouts" that will give you validation for your efforts. Make sure you remain patient, because pushing too hard and too fast could upset what you have already worked so hard for. This month, you should also pay close attention to your finances, especially any money management issues. There could be a chance to draw in extra income, but don't be tempted to spend it frivolously because a big opportunity to invest or to buy something you will need could come soon. There could also be an improvement in a home-related matter.

Gemini : For a long time you held out for something you wanted that never arrived. You may now be cursing your choice to wait it out, Gemini, because you may feel that you wasted time and lost your other options. This month you may be in the mindset that you would rather take what you can get, than wait for what you really want. But that's not what you deserve - you deserve to have your first choice, not second best. In September, if you have bigger and better expectations, you may find that they are easier to attain. But first you have to be sure you feel worthy, because you are, and feeling good about yourself will draw in greater abundance and prosperity. Throughout this month, you may have to deal with one or two people you have always found difficult in the past. You may be surprised to find that an adjusted expectation and attitude on your part will make a world of difference, and those who you thought were moody or dramatic or even mean may behave in a much better way towards you. This can show you that you do have the power to create the mood and tone of your environment and to draw out the best in others when you put your mind to it. Towards the end of the month, there may be a legal matter or concern you will have to deal with, and it may be connected to someone else who may hide certain issues from you. Be direct and don't procrastinate on this. Late in the month a joyful invitation could arrive from a dear friend or someone you have been hoping to get to know.

Cancer : As September begins, Moonchild, you may find yourself feeling quite melancholy or even depressed. Do you feel that your life is lacking in some ways? You may have had hopes and expectations that you believed you would achieve, and you still think fondly about it. Is that bothering you now? Even if things feel heavy in the beginning of the month, you will experience a transcendence that will give you a completely different and significantly better feeling at the end of the month. Something is changing, and though you may not even sense it just yet, there is much happening beneath the surface that you can't see. Wheels are turning, angels are speaking up on your behalf, and old karmic debts are being repaid to you. You may soon feel that all the bad luck you felt was hovering over you has been swept away by some greater power, and that will feel really, really good. Use this time to remain in touch with that earlier feeling, and truly experience what is happening. This month could bring a new beginning in a family relationship that has languished and a fresh start with a romance or a friendship that once held great promise. You may also find yourself inspired to work on your self-esteem, your confidence, your sense of worthiness, and honing in on one of your talents - and this is a great month for all of that.

Leo : Children who are spoiled often grow up without an appreciation for hard work, and they don't value the things that came easily to them. You are a hard worker, Leo, but recently you may have found yourself surrounded by people who don't share your amazing work ethic. This month, this may become a real issue for you, as you are counting on someone to come through on a venture that means a lot to you. If this person lets you down, you could become stuck in a very uncomfortable and awkward position. If you are already having worries about this, you may want to begin the month by searching for a suitable replacement or some sort of a backup plan, since this could be a critical turning point for you. For a good part of the month, you may have to deal with your share of small but annoying matters connected to work or to family. While this may start to irritate you by the end of the month, it really isn't the end-all of problems, so don't let yourself feel dramatic about it. If you put it into perspective, you will see that in most ways your life is pretty darn good. In the last two weeks of the month, you should be on the lookout for someone who can serve as a mentor or who can have a calming influence on you. You are in a very industrious phase, and the right guidance could keep you on track for success.

Virgo : You may be feeling somewhat drab and dreary at the start of September, Virgo, due to a recent rash of irritating obligations and chores that had strong deadlines. You would be wise to surround yourself with color, happy people, humor, and anything that can help to keep you upbeat and motivated. The first week of the month may continue to be drab and dreary in the above-described way, but what you are working through is essential, so you might as well make the most of it. In the second week of the month, you may be offered a job or something else that isn't exactly what you had been hoping for. Instead of leaping at the chance because you are beginning to feel somewhat desperate, you need to keep your options open because something better may come along very soon. The third and fourth weeks of the month could hold some very dear and precious moments with someone you may have thought you wouldn't see again, such as a long-lost friend or classmate, or even an old flame. Cherish this time together but make a point of staying connected so you don't lose touch again - this person can bring something wonderful to your life.o

Libra : You can be quite eccentric and odd - in a good way - Libra, but even some of the people who know you the best and who have known you the longest may not know this particular fact about you. That's because you often try to conform to what you think you are supposed to be and how you think you are supposed to behave. You only let your guard down in carefully considered circumstances, when the mood hits you just right. But there may be someone new in your life this month, and this person could truly appreciate and enhance your odd, eccentric side, bringing out some of your most wonderful qualities. Don't be afraid to let your guard down more often. The middle of the month may hold a personal revelation. There is something you may learn about yourself and it may finally explain some of the choices you made and some of the regrets you are still clinging to. Allow this information to give you permission to go easier on yourself, to forgive yourself, and to better understand what you need. Late in the month, you may want to start planning a big and new adventure. This may be a great time to change jobs or careers, to settle down, to move, or to take a very big life step that you have been thinking about.

Scorpio : Once you are focused on something, Scorpio, it is nearly impossible to pull you away from your chosen path. Your incredible determination is one of your strongest assets when it comes to your work and to setting goals for your life. But when it comes to the more personal areas of your life, including romance and the kind of life you aspire to, being this driven can sometimes work against you. That's because intense focus can distort everything else that's going on around you, and it can also morph into obsession or clinginess. Keep this in mind this month as you pursue something you want. It's okay to want it, in fact, it may be something that's very good for you - but don't want it so much that you become distracted and weakened by your desire. This month may test your resolve for a separate goal as well, but in a different way. You want to make something happen that relates to money or luxury, but you may be tiring of the effort. If you really want this, this is the time to pursue it wholeheartedly, and to let others who may have some influence know of your goal. Late in the month you may have to set about planning something. This could be anything from a family reunion to a baby shower. You could be in charge of this event, which will celebrate something and may involve many people. Enjoy the process and don't get mired down by the details.

Sagittarius : Anyone who knows you, knows that you are very straightforward. You tell it like it is, Sagittarius, even when the truth hurts. You may have recently been brutally honest with someone who did not appreciate your candor, even if they asked for - or perhaps begged for - your intervention and opinion. You only did what you were asked to do, and this person probably knew what you were capable of; but they may have expected a different and better version of the truth. Even though this honesty was justified, this month you should work on softening your sometimes-harsh approach to the truth. That's because you may have to work with or deal with someone far more sensitive than you, and you could easily bruise this person's ego and hurt their feelings significantly since you are looked up to. Luckily, there may be one or two friends or family members who will come to you this month seeking out your wisdom, so take that time to practice putting on your kid gloves. All month long it may seem that there is a "party" theme: at work, at home, in your neighborhood, or anywhere you are, there may seem to be something to celebrate. This may translate to several invitations this month that could be quite appealing. Just don't overdo it or lose track of deadlines as you enjoy yourself.

Capricorn : People born under the sign of Capricorn are usually quite ambitious. Even those who are retired always have to have something important to do and some goal to look forward to. Your great drive and ambition to do big things in your life keep you going, and it can mean great success. But sometimes your ambition means that your personal life will be lacking as you strive to get things done. This month, you need to devote more time than you usually do to your personal life, especially your love life. If you are single, you need to think about what you want your romantic future to look like, and start manifesting whatever that consists of. If you are attached, some extra attention to your significant other will work wonders in boosting your bond. This month, you may also have to face a money-related matter that could involve either a mistake or possibly even deception. If someone owes you, or if someone has access to you in some financial way, this is a time to be on guard and to double check all records. Doing so will ensure safe operations. Socially, this could be a fun month if you would set aside some time just for fun, as there could be an invitation or two that will not only be enjoyable, but could also introduce you to someone who can help you in other ways.

Aquarius : You can be very independent, Aquarius, but that doesn't mean that you don't like the company of other people. In fact, you do, especially when it involves an engaging conversation. But sometimes people mistake your aloof charm as a sign that you don't care very much. In fact, you can care quite deeply once you establish a foundation of trust. This month, you may grow closer to someone who doesn't fully understand your need for space and the depth to which you feel things. Getting to know this person by setting aside special time to be together will make a huge difference in drawing you closer together. Whether this is a friendship or a romance, it promises some titillating interactions that will keep you thinking. This month could also bring a very unique business opportunity. Although you are adept at certain aspects that are needed for this quest, it may be completely out of the box for you in theme. Don't worry, though, you have the skills and the wisdom you need to make a huge success out of this. This month could also begin to untangle a certain family matter that has lingered for some time. This month you may finally get down to the bottom of the problem, and once you do, it will be much easier to address.

Pieces : You are a very friendly person, Pisces, and you usually get along with people from all walks of life. You have great emotional insight, and because you are so intuitive and caring, you draw a wide and interesting variety of people into your life. You are someone who can have a fascinating conversation with the CEO of a big company or with the kid delivering the newspaper. This diversity means that you are often in touch with opportunities you don't even recognize because you are so immersed in learning more about whomever you happen to be engaging with. There is a keen opportunity coming near you this month, and it is likely to be connected to one of those compelling people you have pulled into your life with your charm. Although you aren't as confident as you could be, this person is very impressed with you. This might even straddle the line between a money-making opportunity and a potential romantic connection. Proceed cautiously - but do proceed. This month you may also discover an honor that comes from a family member, most likely, but this could also be a friend. This person will honor you in a way that you had not expected, and it may make you feel bad that you weren't more attentive to this person prior to this experience. Don't worry - you can make it up just by being your usual sweet self.

Check out your monthly horoscope here ! *for entertainment purposes only*
Check out your monthly horoscope here ! *for entertainment purposes only*