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The Key to Happiness in 3 Steps?

Hi guys! This is my first post on Hinterland and I decided I'd write about something close to heart- Happiness. What is happiness? How do we acheive it? and Why?

Many people go chasing happiness like it's a speeding train and never really stop to think about it. Often times we seek happiness in so many materialistic things and strange ways when the answers are rather simple. I've also come across people who find staying optimistic "pointless" and "tiring", with all life's daily struggles coming at them relentlessly.

But happiness doesn't have to be a chore, or some mindset you have to force yourself into. It's not like a diet and it's not painful, like plastering a fake smile on your face and keeping all negative emotions inside. You don't have to spend hours meditating or answer the deepest questions of your soul!

These are just a few little ways and habits that I take up personally to stay optimistic and live a carefree and happy life! 

1. Being thankful.

When you're thankful for even the little things in life, it makes you see that not everything is bad! It makes you treasure what you do have, instead of focussing on what you don't. Unhappy people usually focus on what is missing from their life rather than what's right there in front of them. Appreciate the simple things, and you'll realise that there are so many things to be happy about.

2. Take care of yourself.

In the wise words of Rupaul, "if you can't love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else?"

You have to love yourself! Self-acceptance and Self-care is essential to leading a happy life. Sometimes you gotta slow down and take care of yourself. Things like going to bed early and drinking enough water. 

3. Mindset

Don't hold grudges and don't be petty! This is usually what weighs people down and keeps them with a negative attitude. Don't let little things get you down as well, there's no point letting a small problem ruin your whole day! Life is honestly too short to be spent being angry and annoyed.

Someone spilled coffee on you? - That's okay you can wipe it up!

Someone cut in front of you in line? - That's okay a few extra minutes won't hurt.

Things like that. Everything can always be fixed, and there's no point getting riled up over tiny matters and getting your whole day ruined right? Don't give other people the power to ruin YOUR day!

Those were just a few ways I personally keep a positive mindset and there are many other ways like meditation and more self-care, but I'l leave that for another post!

Thanks for reading and have a good day ahead! I'll leave you with one of my favourite quotes by Martha Washington-

"The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances." 

Remember, YOU run your emotions, they don't run you!

💌, peach.
