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People say,

Falling in love is magical.

Its as if the world stops spinning,

And its  as if your love interest is your new sun.

People say, love is the strongest feeling of all.

They say, love makes everything feels beautiful,

Even if it really isn't.

But when I love you,

It was my choice.

I didn't fall in love.

I walked right in to the trap, and I let it engulf me whole.

I let myself be shrouded in love,

It was my choice.

In a world where eating chocolate gives you the same chemical reaction as falling in love,

In a world where scientists found that the same chemical could only stay active for a year,

I would still love you.

It was my conscious, wholehearted choice.

Even in another world,

And another life,

Given the choices, I would still choose to love you.

Over and over again.
