
Get the app to say thanks

Get the Hinterland app to thank [name], and help them get paid

present Tip - enter the invite code "[code]" on signup and both of you and [name] will get some free coins

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New on the app! 🌻 

Hi! I’m Shikki. I’ve currently hit rock bottom with my life and I just hope this app helps me cope by me writing again. I hope this will be a fun and learning experience for everyone I would come across on here. I will probably talk mostly about film and music since I was once a film student and sometimes (still) does musical score for short films every now and then. I’m definitely open for discussions and a lovey discourse. If you have anything you want me to start talking with, comment down below 🌻

Meet Choni. My Arturia Minilab mkii. Ues
Meet Choni. My Arturia Minilab mkii. Ues