
Get the app to say thanks

Get the Hinterland app to thank [name], and help them get paid

present Tip - enter the invite code "[code]" on signup and both of you and [name] will get some free coins

- Or get the app -

How To Make $1000 on HINTERLAND!🤑🤑

Many of you have commented on my posts for me to show how I make money on Hinterland. The main reason I make money is because of you guys! Yes, that is right! The thanks feature is very important if you want to make money on Hinterland. What you need to do: 1. Post often 2. Comment on other posts  3. Be active 4. Post exclusive content that people have to thank to open These steps will guarantee you gaining enough of the i game currency to cash out! And possibly make $1000. If you want more... thank this post! I will show you more!!!!!!!

Will Hinterland Go Viral!?!

Will Hinterland Go Viral!?!

I recently emailed Hinterland directly and this is what I received: This proves that the application will be able to grow extremely fast! The next part is up to you guys! It is up to you to spread the word, and Post Post Post! With posting often, the content increases. The more content, the more time is spent on Hinterland. This then will entice new users to join and be active. Spread the word and also mention your accounts on other social media platforms.  The third part is up to you and me. I was also given permission to make a advertisement ad for this social media. I need you guys to thanks my posts and help in anyway possible.