Political Betrayal - Sabah
At the end of the Malaysian 14th General Election #GE14, The citizen of Sabah, one of the bigger states in Malaysia have made an important decision to elect change. Against all odds, recount after recount, they have made a nailbiting WARISAN29:29BARISAN NASIONAL tie against the ruling party. However, the Political Party, STAR has won 2 seats which entitles them to become the kingmaker to choose between WARISAN(Nation's preferred) and the Corrupt Tyranny of BARISAN NASIONAL. The Leader of the Political Party, STAR has chosen to "hop" into BN giving them a majority of 31 seats and form a new government. This act of betrayal has sparked a huge riot amongst the citizen of Sabah.
I love people power but. It must stay peaceful to get real momentum
Agreed! But in these circumstances, it is quite hard to not get angry. Looks like there's an update on the story. I will write more about it soon!