Dom Nov 11, 2019 in Science Stay away from block cheese!!! This contains high amount pf estrogen, this is a key culprit to breast cancer.
J.N.R Dutton Nov 9, 2019 in Science Lab Created Virus Kills Cancer An Australian company has, according to what I read, created a virus capable of eliminating cancers. While I have moral concerns about genetic engineering in general, I simultaneously do recognize the huge breakthrough the cancer killing virus is, and the lifesaving potential it has. I guess my position these days just has to be, engineer responsibly.
Bjorn Honeymead Jun 24, 2019 in Science This is what you’ll find when you accidentally type “Higg cup” instead of “Hiccup” If Hiccup see this he would be like... WTF Physics??
Azeezoo May 27, 2019 in Science Nerd application Talking Physics. My daily displacement is 0m. Wake up and leave the bed with a direction of N45°W to the college. Doing a lot of shit right there. Go back with a direction of S45°E and reach the bed again. This is how to apply Physics is real life 🤓
Karen Feb 6, 2019 in Science 1880-2018 Do you guys see this massive change in temperatures? Are you guys not scared for your child’s future? Then do something about it and don’t just laze off making the politicians deal about it because most politicians are too scared about not being elected if they were to help global warming
Felix Dec 30, 2018 in Science You Are Not Alone Since the beginning of human civilization, we always wonder whether we are the only intelligent being in the universe. Then the invention of telescope makes us gazing the vast universe to find out the answer. But the truth is very simple, we knew it already, that we are never be alone. We are not the only intelligent being in the universe, especially here on earth. I’m not going to talk about alien or ET, we are going to look at your surrounding. You may hear that there’s ghost or evil, but why most people don’t consider them as “intelligent being” besides human. Ghost Miss interpretation of Ghost makes people believe that ghost is a form of human spirit. But it actually...
Arron George Muckenschnabel Dec 26, 2018 in Science Because trees only consume 1% of the earths carbon dioxide. Who here believes that a non biomimetic source of artificial photosynthesis would be a step in the right direction when it comes to renewable energy and absorbing CO2 emissions??