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in Health

Woman’s general health regarding thrush 

Thrush - including symptoms, treatment and prevention  Thrush is a very common vaginal infection, caused by an overgrowth of yeasts which live normally in the bowel and may be present in other parts of the body, such as the mouth, skin and vagina. The most common cause of thrush is Candida albicans, but other types of yeast sometimes are involved. Candida is usually present in small numbers and does not cause symptoms. Sometimes overgrowth of Candida occurs and symptoms develop. Also, some women may be more sensitive than others to the presence of Candida and can develop symptoms even when only small numbers of yeast are present. Circumstances that encourage the overgrowth...

in Health

Strange Diseases: The "Vampire Ailment"- Xeroderma Pigmentosum

Xeroderma Pigmentosum (or simply XP) is a medical condition that makes people ULTRA photosensitive, among other things. It is sometimes called the Vampire Ailment, because some of those afflicted can only safely go out at night (as I understand it.) I first learned of the illness by watching a film some years ago, which if I recall correctly is called "Children of the Night" or "Children of the Dark". It was a Lifetime movie. I'd link it here if I could find it on YouTube or Dailymotion, feel free to look it up yourself.