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La cegua or la segua the urban legend story 

La cegua or la segua the urban legend story 

Hi guys wanna share this horror story 💕 La Cegua These are evil women that appear at night dressed in horse hair and with a lot of makeup on their faces. They look for their lover or for the man that played with their feelings. Ceguas appear in the throughout the country; there are ugly and beautiful ones. Their origin lies in women full of hate that at the moment of their death choose to continue seeking revenge. Among themselves, ceguas are very friendly; they even help each other to conquer their preys. Generally, they appear dressed up to drunk men and try to seduce them. Moreover, they laugh loudly; sometimes, they dress in black attire. Their apparitions are manicly melancholy...

in History

Dan Carlin's Hardcore History 62 Supernova in the East I

I love Hardcore History, if you don't know it yet, it's this history podcast that tells you massive, many hour, many part stories about historical events. They've got some insane ones on WW1 (5 parts, each part 5 hours), the fall of the Roman Empire, Ghengis Kahn and the Mongols. This new one is about WW2 from the view of Japan. So far he's just put out the first part, which is the build up to the war and is, as always, long af - clocking in at 4 1/2 hours just for this part, and of course they'll prob be another 3 or so more parts to come later on this year and next year. Oh yeah, that's right, he takes about 4-6 months per part, which is...a little frustrating, but if that's what he...