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in Wellness
She Who Didn’t Know

She Who Didn’t Know

She's living in darkness.She's sad, broken, rejected, ignored, hurt. Everyday, with tears in her eyes, she looks for hope. She wants a new beginning. Until she saw a golden light. But she tries to fight it, crush it, resist it, refuse it because she thinks it's an adversary. She thinks it came to condemn. What she didn't know, the light came to rescue. It's the hope she's been looking for. It's the new beginning she desperately needs. It didn't rise to reveal her darkness. It came to remove the darkness in her so she could see her true beauty and worth.

Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence (TRAP Sequence)

Twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence (TRAP sequence, also sometimes called TRAP syndrome) is a condition that occurs only in identical twins that share a placenta (monochorionic), in which one twin, lacking a functioning cardiac system, receives blood from the normally developing twin called the “pump twin.” This places an enormous demand on the heart, putting the pump twin at risk for cardiac failure. Left untreated, the pump twin will die in 50 percent to 75 percent of cases. The risk to the pump twin rises proportionately to the increasing size of the abnormally developing twin. TRAP sequence is also associated with excess amniotic fluid, caused by increased blood flow to the...

How to get rid of cold sores fast 

I am going to list some home remedies you can do from home to help get rid of your nasty and very uncomfortable cold sore, fast!! If you’ve ever experienced a cold sore, you’ll know how these small, fluid-filled blisters on your lips can have a big impact on how you look and feel. Tingling sensations, swelling, redness, that ‘run- down’ feeling and the unpleasant appearance of a cold sore is enough to make you run for cover.  Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV1)Cold sores are caused by HSV1 and are relatively common. It’s estimated that around 90% of people carry HSV1 antibodies, meaning that they have been exposed to the virus at some point in their lives, and yet only about one...

in Wellness

Habits of People With Concealed Depression

There will be two main types of people reading this blog: those finding themselves better equipped to understand some of the people they love and those who see their own reflections in these habits. Depression often goes unseen, unrecognized, and undiagnosed. A person with concealed depression is someone who is conditioned to deal with their inner demons in a way that doesn’t make them clearly visible. They may or may not be diagnosed, and this may or may not be something they’ve shared with even their closest of companions. The problem is that the world becomes darkest when we all stop being able to understand each other. We tend to believe that hardship is worn openly upon one’s...

in Wellness


The scars are permanent skin stains. There are many treatments, including plastic surgery to correct the scarring. But if you are someone who likes to try natural treatments, here we recommend an incredible natural remedy that is easy to prepare and offers many advantages. Ingredients: ¼ tablespoon of cocoa butter ¼ table spoon of olive oil1 tablespoon of honey4 drops of natural lavender essential oil Preparation and Use The first thing you do is put the cocoa butter in a saucepan to melt it, then add the remaining ingredients and mix to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Then you need to let it rest. And finally put the cream in the freezer for 20 minutes. Put this mixture in a container...

in Wellness

7 Proven Exercises to Lose Face Fat In 2 Days

Today more then ever everyone wants to learn how to lose face fat. This is because the first part from the body that people notice is the face. Unfortunately, most of the people have face fat issues. But, all of them wants to look beautifully especially in the face as their models. The most annoying thing is that face fat is almost impossible to get rid of. You can still have the chubby face even if you have lost weight and get the figure of your body as you imagined. So it’s not easy to lose face fat and can take a lot of work. It’s not too difficult to get the looks of a model and losing face fat. That’s why we came up with 7 proven exercises. If you use them, you will be able to...

in Wellness

Natural Methods to Get Rid of Spider Veins

The small dilated blood vessels that become visible as thin purple, blue or twisted red lines on the mucous membranes or skin’s surface are called spider veins. The term “spider veins” is because of their looks like a spider web or tree branches. In general, spider veins appear as a result of weak or damaged valves in the vein and it may affect on the hands, legs, and face (chin, nose, and cheeks). Some other sources which can cause spider veins are: genetics, hormonal changes, age, stress, wearing tight clothes, a prolonged period of sitting or standing, overweight,  certain medications, constipation, overexposure to sun’s harmful UV rays, blood clots, etc. Although spider...

in Wellness


The medical term for skin tags is acrochordon. It is a tiny benign that is out pouching from the skin that is again connected to the underlying skin through a tiny stock. They look like bits of pouches hanging from the skin. The root cause behind their occurrence is yet unknown. They tend to develop when blood vessels and collagen get trapped under folds of skin. These skin tags are quite harmless. There are several counter medications that are suggested by doctors for curing skin tags. They can also be surgically removed. You can however always fall back on home remedies to overcome the problem. Here are some effective ways on how to remove skin tags naturally at home. How to  Remove...

in Wellness

20 Plants You Need to Grow For An Endless Supply of Natural Remedies

We’re committed to offering our readers the best possible information to help everyone live and enjoy a happier and healthier life. This means that we’re always searching for the next solution for any of life’s many problems and exploring it in a way that best applies to your everyday life.  Sometimes, there is content that’s perfect just the way it is. In this case, we are very lucky to be collaborating with the people behind this valuable article and have been granted permission to republish it.  Filling your garden with medicinal plants that have distinct health benefits is a smart use of garden space. You’ll be able to use natural remedies, while boosting your immune...