Divine Feminine Goddess Aug 11, 2018 in Art The beginning of setting something free ✨🦋 Theres a whole other world out there, A place where you can control the gravity. Where you are connected to every living thing harmoniously, without a string to hold. If only they would believe. Why is it that there are so many who cannot feel the difference between real living vs eyes closed survival. Open to all you can see, you are standing where it begins you don't need to walk anywhere this world can be entered right here. If only they could see it to...
Divine Feminine Goddess Aug 1, 2018 in Art Who is your favorite artist? ❤️ The surrealist - Salvador Dali ✨🌙
V May 17, 2018 in Art fragile is strong fragile is not broken. fragile is self loving. fragile is being strong. fragile is selfish. fragile is loving more. fragile is giving more. fragile is knowing what you want. fragile is the ability to say no. fragile is wanting better. fragile is being kinder. fragile is brave. fragile is within all of us.