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The beginning of setting something free ✨🦋

The beginning of setting something free ✨🦋

Theres a whole other world out there, A place where you can control the gravity. Where you are connected to every living thing harmoniously, without a string to hold. If only they would believe. Why is it that there are so many who cannot feel the difference between real living vs eyes closed survival.  Open to all you can see, you are standing where it begins you don't need to walk anywhere  this world can be entered right here. If only they could see it to...

Life Purpose ✨🌙

Life Purpose ✨🌙

For what I truely believe when it comes to to who you are is that we all behold something unique. Something we should be embracing - rather than hiding the truth through masks that dont serve your true purpose in all that you are... You need to allow yourself time to develop into your true being, we have all be programed to live a life that isn’t for us. Reconnecting to yourself with your desires and true life purpose is important to live a self fulfilling life. Listen to those inner impulses from your high source, that is where true dreams come from! - talishia 🦋💕✨🙏🏼

Higher Being 🦋🌙

Higher Being 🦋🌙

You are responsible for your own happiness. In fact you have the wildest ability to create it. You attract it. You manifest it. You are the architect of your reality. You choose your thoughts, your perceptions, your reactions to external forces. You possess all the tools that are needed to expand your awareness, to orchestrate the evolution of your consciousness, to choose happiness. To choose love. You are that powerful, create the life that you deserve. Vibrate with love 💕🔮🌙



In this world we are so focused on the future, we forget that where we are is just as important of our journey than where we will be in 10 years time. What I have experienced being in the now is that I have the ability to create all what I want simply following the basic law of attraction. We all have the ability to manifest our desires, just by our beliefs.  If you feel like life isnt going your way, its merely your own perception on life - change your mindset to match exactly what you want. Resist the thoughts on what you DO NOT want. Through positive thoughts you can have anything ✨  Recommended reads: Ask and It’s Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks / Abraham Hicks