Sammy Jul 14, 2018 in Music Got my track live on Spotify! After weeks upon weeks of mixing and mastering with FL Studio 12, i finally got this track done and i feel really happy about it! It's a really hyper track, the exact vibes i was going for. I took time out to make the bass from scratch(very complicated making hard electronic bass ,and then controlling it 😂) but i'm content. I'd appreciate your feedback on it, and for any of you producers out there that may need help, feel free to ask(:
Sammy Jul 2, 2018 in Music From shitty beats, to clean remixes So guys, one of my many hobbies is making music and i've been at it for about 5 years now. When i started out back in 2013 (with FL Studio 9) I was clueless about music composition, let alone how to navigate my way around the application But right now, after over about a million failed attempts to make music, I cam say i've improved 200% - THROUGH FAILING LOL Success and failure is just based on your mentality, because you can succeed the first time you try (rarely) or take failure as a drive to try again harder next time. Through errors you'll know what NOT to do and what TO do. So here is my submission for a remix contest for Charlotte Cardin's California (It's a great song) and i...