Felix Dec 30, 2018 in Science You Are Not Alone Since the beginning of human civilization, we always wonder whether we are the only intelligent being in the universe. Then the invention of telescope makes us gazing the vast universe to find out the answer. But the truth is very simple, we knew it already, that we are never be alone. We are not the only intelligent being in the universe, especially here on earth. I’m not going to talk about alien or ET, we are going to look at your surrounding. You may hear that there’s ghost or evil, but why most people don’t consider them as “intelligent being” besides human. Ghost Miss interpretation of Ghost makes people believe that ghost is a form of human spirit. But it actually...
Muhammad Abdul Jabbar Dec 16, 2018 in Writing A coffee be yourself bro, like coffee that is always loved without hiding its bitter taste, make people love you because of yourself, not because you imitate other people 🤗🤗