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in Music
Panic! At the Disco meme react #1

Panic! At the Disco meme react #1

Yo guys welcome to my first post (yeah touring in this community am I right?)  So today we are going to start Panic! At The Disco memes (because why not right)   So to the mechanics of the post, we are going to select 4 memes (yup. Only 4 because I'm somewhat lazy. But who knows. Maybe when you give me some coins we will have more than 4 in the future 😘) and we are going to react on them. Without further ado, let's get started. 1. Not gonna lie this is me as f--.  If you are not familiar with the reference, it's about a part of one of Panic!'s popular song I WRITE SINS NOT TRAGEDIES. (You can look it up on youtube. You may like it)  Back to the meme, everytime I hear that part,...

Are We Addicted to Social Media?

Are We Addicted to Social Media?

Let’s take a poll. Who has Liked a video of puppies or retweeted an article without even reading it just because the title sounded interesting? No need to be ashamed, we’ve all done it. As rational as we are, there is something stronger than us that determines our actions on social networks – a je ne sais quoi that makes us connect daily or even hourly, to check what’s going on. But what is it exactly? A digital hypnosis? You might be thinking of certain acronyms like FOMO, FOBO, or NoMo. Even though it might feel like it at times, these acronyms don’t give us the full picture. This strange phenomenon of addiction is rooted in our brains. Several basic psychological processes...