Farihah Sep 13, 2019 in Nature The sky is an art. I realised that i’ve been so obsessed with the sky colour, i love the sky, stars, moon, sunset and sunrise. When i looked at them, i felt really calm. Fyi, i’m Malaysian, i was born in Malaysia and were raised in Malaysia as well. My english is not really good as i speak fully Malay language at my place. Right now in Malaysia, we’re dealing with haze. This is a serious one. I cannot be outside from my house for a long time or else i will fall sick and cough. Right now im missing the clean air to breath. I miss seeing the sunrise and the sunset clearly so i’m gonna put some of my sky landscape here.
Shantell Senior Sep 9, 2019 in Beauty How to Grow Hair Faster and Longer A luscious mane of hair is everybody’s dream. However, achieving this dream that is difficult. Long hair has long been a symbol of beauty and sensuality in many cultures. The road to those lovely flowing locks is long, but you can get there with a little help. Over time, knowledge regarding hair growth has increased. But due to contemporary diets and lifestyles, growing long hair may have been more difficult. The stressful lives that we lead can affect the health of most people’s hair. We may even end up getting stuck in a vicious cycle of stress-induced hair loss. While there is a whole industry thriving on the promises of lovely hair, commercial products often don’t do much to...
Thate Jun 10, 2019 Serenity Sometimes we think of shutting down. But... do you really need to shut down? No, you just need a restart! How about visiting the nearby beach? Feel that cool breeze slightly kissing your cheeks.
Holly May 17, 2019 in Environment i am scared of our future, world i am scared of our future, world. women are becoming criminals because they make their own choice about their bodies. people are devaluing womens right and lives. the great australian bight is about to be destroyed for oil drilling. our planet remains on the verge of combustion as emissions continue to rise and yet we remain silent?? silence is complacency. it is time to do something
Ly Apr 21, 2019 in Nature Earth I love how this song gave us an important message on how the Earth is slowly getting damaged because of us. The Earth that we live in should be taken good care of and we should stop polluting it and also the animals should be loved.