
Get the app to say thanks

Get the Hinterland app to thank [name], and help them get paid

present Tip - enter the invite code "[code]" on signup and both of you and [name] will get some free coins

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I ask this girl to like my post and thank me, i text her politely. I told her go check out my posts. And apparently she didnt and what she did : copy pasted my posts and put it as her post & received likes. This is very stupid guys. Have a sense of respecting others please. I worked hard to create a post and all you did is copy and paste ? Do you think it’s easy to create one post ? To use fully english language while i speak fully Malay language? I put a lot of effort to create this. I hate you. Fuck you and May God Bless You Bij! 

in Business


So basically, it’s an app where you can call, videocall, chat someone from anywhere and for free ! Just by doing that, you could increase your WowCoins. 100WowCoins = $1 You could complete survey, watch ads and you’ll instantly receive WowCoins. You can also read news, play games, shopping or even donate your wowcoins to those who needed ! Amazing huh ? 😏  There are a lot of easy ways to earn Wowcoins from the app. Even when you slide notifications ! 😱 Trust me it works!  i’ll show you the proof, just slide down. but before that, if you’re interested, click this link and join me!  I’ll guide you!  Hi! Please join me on WowApp. Visit my personal page at...

in Writing

As we grow up, there are a lot challenges that we will have to go through. And one of the challenge is, letting someone we love go.

And i’m dealing with it right now.  -turns out it doesnt matter how hard i fight for someone, because at the end, all i have is myself.   But as for now, I am gradually accepting that maybe we’re not really meant for each other. Maybe the universe has a better plan for me, a plan that I don’t know yet. Maybe someone is already destined to be your better half. And although it’s heartbreaking to know that it’s not me you’re going to spend the rest of your life with, I am still trying my best to be happy for you, for both of us. I am trying to distance myself from you, hoping that it’s going to be an easy healing for me. I am trying not to imagine how settled and content you...

in Nature
The sky is an art.

The sky is an art.

I realised that i’ve been so obsessed with the sky colour, i love the sky, stars, moon, sunset and sunrise. When i looked at them, i felt really calm. Fyi, i’m Malaysian, i was born in Malaysia and were raised in Malaysia as well. My english is not really good as i speak fully Malay language at my place. Right now in Malaysia, we’re dealing with haze. This is a serious one. I cannot be outside from my house for a long time or else i will fall sick and cough. Right now im missing the clean air to breath. I miss seeing the sunrise and  the sunset clearly so i’m gonna put some of my sky landscape here. 

in Advice

Moving on. 

I sense that i’m slowly letting go. That i am growing less in love with you every single day. I think that’s the most difficult thing about losing someone you’ve loved. —the way you feel never really dies all at once.  All you can do is wait and watch it fade away one day at a time. Perhaps maybe the two of us had become so good at leaving, once we had found something worth keeping. Once someone has let you go emotionally, it’s over, no matter how tightly or desperately you commit to hang on. -That sooner or later i will pull myself together and move on. That’s the killing blow. To know that someday, no matter how hard i fight for it, i will forget how it felt like to love...