J.N.R Dutton Dec 3, 2019 in News Woman Claimed Three Kids She Never Had In Order To Attain State Welfare I recently read about a woman who committed large scale welfare fraud. For 10 years,she received state benefits for three children. The thing though, is she never actually had the three children. I have no idea what her motive was (other than the obvious, greed.) Assistance programs can literally be a lifeline for the genuinely in need, such as those unable to attain and maintain substantial gainful employment because of major mental or physical disability and such. However, people who do crap like in the story mentioned above, reinforce people’s worst views about assistance recipients.
J.N.R Dutton Nov 30, 2019 in United States Thoughts On 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Cities I have heard discussion about 2nd Amendment sanctuary cities. As I understand it, they are essentially places in the United States where the elected leadership have officially promised not to help gun grabbers violate citizens 2nd Amendment rights guaranteed under the Constitution. I applaud the people taking a stand, the Constitution (even the section gun grabbers so despise) is still the law of the land in America. The fact that some people choose to ignore that fact doesn’t change it.
J.N.R Dutton Oct 30, 2019 in earning BuzzBreak If you would like to join me on Buzzbreak, feel free. Thank you in advance.
SoupCaseTV Nov 12, 2018 in SoupCaseTV Pedophile claims wants to have baby with 13y/o and if the baby is female would like to have sex with baby as well