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in PayPal
Paypal's New Setup Is Frankly, Stupid

Paypal's New Setup Is Frankly, Stupid

Image via Pixabay I am not a fan of PayPal's new setup. Now, in order for U.S. account holders to do basic things like keep a balance, or send money to friends or family, they have to have a separate "PayPal Cash" account linked to their basic PayPal account. This became effective in March in compliance with regulations from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. It's just unnecessary added hoops to jump through in my view, the old setup was fine, but typical of gov't agencies the CFPB no doubt thinks it's helping customers with the new regulation.

in Writing

first ever post.

i‘m 21 years old and i‘m a film student. i‘m a naturally curious person and i like to explore deep personal topics from various branches to widen my perspective that will eventually be an inspiration for me. my opinions are one i usually keep to myself, but with the help of writing i can express myself more. i love learning new cultures, meeting new people, see what their views and perspective, getting to know them. i will then express my opinion, which is actually a part of my long term goal to hopefully slowly change the world and make this world a better, or at least a more bearable place to live in. enjoy my thoughts✨

in Writing

My Views On: Education 💫

In my opinion going to school and developing a good education is a big step towards a good future. I view education as something that can open many doors for you in the future and can give you advantages aswell. I see school as a small sacrifice of time that could benefit you in the long run. But don’t get me wrong I do find school differcult at times and very stressful but I strongly believe that dropping out is definitely not a option for me. When I think of dropping out I just think of all the disadvantages I would be giving myself, of course this is only my personal belief and may not actually apply to others. School may be hard and annoying at times but I’d never stop going. My...