My Views On: Education 💫
In my opinion going to school and developing a good education is a big step towards a good future.
I view education as something that can open many doors for you in the future and can give you advantages aswell.
I see school as a small sacrifice of time that could benefit you in the long run. But don’t get me wrong I do find school differcult at times and very stressful but I strongly believe that dropping out is definitely not a option for me.
When I think of dropping out I just think of all the disadvantages I would be giving myself, of course this is only my personal belief and may not actually apply to others.
School may be hard and annoying at times but I’d never stop going. My beliefs on have a good education are very strong and I do believe that if I don’t have a good education in my life I will not be successful or live a great life.
I believe that with the proper knowledge given by schooling is truly beneficial in life and that life would be better if you had one.
I believe that nowadays it is very hard to cope with the competition in jobs and with banking considering how the pricing of things now are so high that it is hard to even consider buying something. I think that fretting a degree or just finishing school can help even in the slightest when applying for a job and etc.
This is my own personal opinion and you have the right to disagree with anything I have said (in saying that please don’t leave hate), they may not be your own beliefs or may not apply at all to you.Â
But if anything I have said does spike your interest in a positive or relatable way feel free to leave a comment. :)
I agree that education is a must for everyone. It can be really tough at times but in general is as well
Exactly that’s what I’m saying, like school can help in ways like on CVs and etc. Of course it’s still going to be tough even with a education but it does help at the end of the day. :)
Yeah I agree, I’m glad I’m getting a good education. Even if sometimes I cba with it heh 😂
😂😂 same