Christine Charmaine Epa Apr 25, 2019 in Advice He Just Wants You God doesn’t just want part of you, but He wants the whole you, the darkest moments, your heart open wide no matter what is inside. Because, “He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.” You are far too loved to continue to hide in your darkness, to live without hope. Rend open your heart, return to Him, for who knows whether He will leave a blessing in return? I’m praying for someone to be impacted by this as I was - yet even now, You are Loved!
Bailey Pellow Apr 9, 2018 in Advice Life Generic, isn’t it? What does that word mean? What are you telling us? For my first post on Hinterland, I decided I wouldn’t thank anyone for the opportunity. I’d use the opportunity to discuss my perspective on things; in this case, life. Often, we are most reflective at 8pm sipping wine in our lime green ‘Lime and Coconut’ bathwater, detached from the reality of everyday. We seem to realise now, more than ever, the value of a hot bath, a hot meal, and a quality sleep. But for some, this isn’t always the case. See, recently, I was privileged enough to visit Peru. What a fantastic country, mind blowing land scapes, great imagery, the whole shebang. As you rove through this...
Bailey Pellow Apr 9, 2018 in Advice Life Generic, isn’t it? What does that word mean? What are you telling us? For my first post on Hinterland, I decided I wouldn’t thank anyone for the opportunity. I’d use the opportunity to discuss my perspective on things; in this case, life. Often, we are most reflective at 8pm sipping wine in our lime green ‘Lime and Coconut’ bathwater, detached from the reality of everyday. We seem to realise now, more than ever, the value of a hot bath, a hot meal, and a quality sleep. But for some, this isn’t always the case. See, recently, I was privileged enough to visit Peru. What a fantastic country, mind blowing land scapes, great imagery, the whole shebang. As you rove through this...