Reza Ardhiansyah Apr 30, 2019 in Finance [SAVING TIPS FOR STUDENTS] Hi! This is saving tips that are best for students, if you already work i don’t think this tips gonna helpful or not but yeah... let’s start it. In my country Indonesia a high school student usually have a daily pocket money from their parents around $2 to $5, so for a month they could get around $60 to $150. I’ll take $100 a month for an example. EMERGENCY BUDGET = 10% x $100, $10 DAILY NEEDS = 40% x $100, $40 EXTRA BUDGET = 20% x $100, $20 SAVING = 25% x $100, $25 EMERGENCY BUDGET in case something bad happened, maybe you broke your phone, DAILY NEEDS this is for your everyday needs, including your meals, school things, etc. EXTRA BUDGET so i separate some of my money for...