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Hi! This is saving tips that are best for students, if you already work i don’t think this tips gonna helpful or not but yeah... let’s start it.

In my country Indonesia a high school student usually have a daily pocket money from their parents around $2 to $5, so for a month they could get around $60 to $150. I’ll take $100 a month for an example.

EMERGENCY BUDGET = 10% x $100, $10

DAILY NEEDS = 40% x $100, $40

EXTRA BUDGET = 20% x $100, $20

SAVING = 25% x $100, $25

EMERGENCY BUDGET in case something bad happened, maybe you broke your phone, 

DAILY NEEDS this is for your everyday needs, including your meals, school things, etc.

EXTRA BUDGET so i separate some of my money for hangout with my friends. Sometimes we go to to the café or cinema or something which is not really important. If you dont want to spend your money on that, maybe you can buy some stuff that you like.

SAVING here we go, I always spent 25% for saving. I save my money for a year and I spend it when I gather all of the money. With this amount of money (in this example you can get $300 a year) you can buy some expensive stuff or buy a concert tickets.

Then how about the last 5%, well I usually spend it for charity. Why charity? I just want to share some for them, and it actually makes me happy.

I hope this will be helpful for you guys who  always ask where all your money go. Leave thanks below if you think this posts is useful
