Kim Dizon Nov 28, 2018 in Writing I love traveling I've always wondered how it feels like to explore. To travel. To witness the fascinating beauty of nature. To experience the world. The idea of going somewhere I've never been to before, excites me. My feet have carried me to a lot of places, but each one of them is different and beautiful in its own way. And I often wonder if God made all of this just for us, but I realized that it's the other way around. He made our eyes to capture how beautiful his works are. He made our ears to listen to the beautiful sound that the birds make, the waves of ocean, the drop of rain, the branches swaying with the wind. And our skin was made to feel the warmth of the sun, and the cold touch...
cassiopeia May 16, 2018 in Movies sharks & goals My ultimate dream ever is to travel the world. All 196 countries and other places too. Places that haven't been discovered, places that have been dubbed as historical and full of nature. In fact, it's not even a dream anymore. It's a plan. Don't get me wrong, it won't be easy. I still have a long way to go but that doesn't stop me. But then movies like The Shallows come in and I'm having second thoughts. Just kidding. Sharks eating people won't stop me from accomplishing my dream. Heck no! In fact, if the audience now see sharks as vicious and eat humans every chance they get because of this...
S P Ê C T Â C Û L Â R May 11, 2018 in Travel Would You Go Here? This video is of the amazing beautiful Maldives. The Maldives are one of the most amazing places on earth! The water is crystal clear, the weather is favourable and there is nothing but fun and relaxation. Please read this: My dream is to travel the world, everywhere. I don’t have much money either. By you commenting, following and liking my posts really helps this dream. Every time I get more people commenting, following and liking, the traffic on my account goes up. The more traffic I get the more likely companies are willing to sponsor me. When companies sponsor me and get me to advertise their channel. I will be able to travel for next to nothing. Please comment, thank, Follow...