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in Writing
This is the saddest thing happened today!

This is the saddest thing happened today!

So.. basically, I just logged in to my instagram account. I read and continue to read all of my written poems that I had wrote and posted in there.  Yup I do gained some likes and few comments from my fellow friends but funnily when I was about to read this poem, I suddenly delete it. I delete it instead of archive the post! I'm so done... I feel damn sad. But I managed to save the picture of poem before this.. if you wanna check it out, here the poem.. You may check it out more poems of mine 😉😉 I write it with my own inspiration and experiences of life ...

in Writing
sunday mornings

sunday mornings

sunday mornings by cassiopeia good morning, love did you sleep well? i whisper you roll over to face me, skin following and although the wrinkles show, you have never looked as glorious as you do right now i can still remember the day we met purple skies and bikes colliding you were so upset, wild curls bouncing but not at me, no you always pushed yourself to be the best but love, you're always at your best 24 and interview ready 47 and smudged makeup because even at your worst, i will still love you please don't ever doubt my love or yourself the kids called today said mirren and everett wanted to visit popsy and momma once again, such sweethearts your eyes shine and the world seemed...