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This is theย saddest thing happened today!

So.. basically, I just logged in to my instagram account. I read and continue to read all of my written poems that I had wrote and posted in there.ย 

Yup I do gained some likes and few comments from my fellow friends but funnily when I was about to read this poem, I suddenly delete it. I delete it instead of archive the post! I'm so done... I feel damn sad.

But I managed to save the picture of poem before this.. if you wanna check it out, here the poem..

I am sorry for deleting you, this is the most inspiring poem that I gained many heart likes and few comments ��
I am sorry for deleting you, this is the most inspiring poem that I gained many heart likes and few comments ��

You may check it out more poems of mine ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰ I write it with my own inspiration and experiences of life ...
