S P Ê C T Â C Û L Â R May 29, 2018 in Spectacular Welcome to the SPECTACULAR Community! Welcome to the SPECTACULAR Community! This community is one purely for Spectacular related things. My account will also be posting updates on give a ways and shout outs in this community. Be sure to follow to keep up to date! Comment below what else should go in this community👇
S P Ê C T Â C Û L Â R May 11, 2018 in Travel Would You Go Here? This video is of the amazing beautiful Maldives. The Maldives are one of the most amazing places on earth! The water is crystal clear, the weather is favourable and there is nothing but fun and relaxation. Please read this: My dream is to travel the world, everywhere. I don’t have much money either. By you commenting, following and liking my posts really helps this dream. Every time I get more people commenting, following and liking, the traffic on my account goes up. The more traffic I get the more likely companies are willing to sponsor me. When companies sponsor me and get me to advertise their channel. I will be able to travel for next to nothing. Please comment, thank, Follow...
Suzie Goh Apr 16, 2018 in Politics I wish we would stop fighting This situation in Syria is honestly so depressing. When has war ever solved anything? How will dropping bombs on Syria, a country already ravaged by war, help? It just makes zero sense. Each and every single person I've spoken to doesn't want this. So who does? Trump and, oh, Theresa May- his puppet. And I'm pretty sure that's it. They're the only ones who will gain from this senseless distruction and pillaging. I was going to post a link to an article about the current situation and then I stumbled upon some before and after pictures online. Syria was once a vibrant, cultural hub with World UNESCO Heritage sites that have now been reduced to rubble. It is truly vile what we've...
Taylor Owen Apr 3, 2018 in Politics For Russia, Trump Was a Vehicle, Not a Target Saw this in the NY Times, what do you think?